UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java 6.0.9

UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java is a Java-based API for interacting with LDAP directory servers and performing other LDAP-related processing. The project has just released version 6.0.9, which includes the following changes:

  • Made it possible to customize the result codes that the LDAP SDK uses to determine whether a connection may no longer be usable
  • Added support for establishing LDAP and LDAPS connections through HTTP, SOCKSv4, and SOCKSv5 proxy servers
  • Updated ldap-diff to make it configurable whether to use byte-for-byte or schema-aware comparisons
  • Fixed an issue in which the channel binding type may not be preserved when duplicating a GSSAPI bind request
  • Added a method for getting the standard name for LDAP result codes
  • Added a mechanism for caching the derived encryption keys used for passphrase-encrypted input and output streams
  • Improved the logic used to determine whether a given character is likely displayable
  • Added a number of convenience methods for Unicode and UTF-8 strings
  • Updated the collect-support-data task to make it possible to set the start and end times for included log messages
  • Included the latest revisions of draft-melnikov-sasl2 and draft-melnikov-scram-sha-512